Classroom Rules - Assertive Discipline Program

Behavior Rules:

1.    Follow directions, the first time given

2.    Keep your hands and feet and all objects to yourself

3.    Raise your hand to speak in group time


5.    Respect the feelings and belongings of others


1.    Game time

2.    Extra recess time

3.    Special class activity


1.    Verbal Warning

2.    Behavior stick* removed

3.    Five minutes in time out

4.    Loss of free play time, recess, remain with teacher

5.    Sad Gram sent home to parents

6.    Parents are called

Severe Disruption: Removed from class and principal is contacted

Weekly Behavior Sticks

At the beginning of each week each child will have 5 “crayon” sticks in their crayon box behind my desk.  On Friday I will send home a paper letting you know how many sticks they have left.  They will receive a small prize for keeping the appropriate number of sticks – a sticker, lollipop, small trinket.  I have set goals of specific number of sticks I expect them to keep for each quarter.  Please be aware that I change the number as we go into the next quarter.  A stick will be pulled after the child has received a verbal warning and continues in the unacceptable behavior.  A stick will immediately be pulled if a child has hurt another child either physical of verbally or been destructive to another child’s belongings.  I am working on reinforcing the correct acceptable behavior in school.  I will not call you every time a stick is pulled.  This is a learning process.  It’s not a big deal to lose a stick here and there; we all make mistakes and that’s how we learn!  If your child does not have the correct number of sticks left they will receive a sad face and no treat for that week.  Please treat this as a kick off for a discussion of how to do better next week and not a punishment.   Remember we start fresh every Monday, it never carries over.

My time line is as follows:

September to November 15:  5 to 2 sticks gets a treat, 1 stick left no treat

November 16 to January 15:  5 to 3 sticks get a treat, 2 sticks left no treat

January 16 to April 9:  5 to 4 sticks get a treat, 3 sticks left no treat

April 10 to June: 5 sticks get a treat 4 sticks left no treat

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